
服務電話:18363969016    4009-607-119


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發布時間:2024/5/6 13:41:30 瀏覽次數:258




  “98 0197”的含義是生產年份。






  0197的測試機構是:TU Rheinland Product Safety GmbH (Germany)

  0082的測試機構是:APAVE Lyonnaise (France)


  二、EN編號(European Normative References)


  EN341 PPE against falls from a height - Descender Devices (for rescue)下降器(拯救用途)

  EN354 PPE against falls from a height – Lanyards 挽索

  EN355 PPE against falls from a height - Energy Absorbers 勢能吸收裝備

  EN358 PPE for work positioning and prevention of falls from a height – Belts for work positioning and restraint and work positioning lanyards 工作用腰帶與定位挽索

  EN361 PPE against falls from a height - Full Body Harnesses 全身式吊帶

  EN362 PPE against falls from a height – Connectors 工業鉤環

  EN374 Protective gloves against chemicals and micro-organisms 防護手套(化學物質)

  EN388 Protective gloves against mechanical risks 防護手套(機械風險)

  EN397 Specification for industrial safety helmets 工業用頭盔

  EN407 Protective gloves against thermal risks(heat / fire) 防護手套(熱與火)

  EN420 General requirements for gloves 手套一般規范

  EN566 Mountaineering Equipment-Slings 扁帶環

  EN567 Mountaineering Equipment-Rope Clamps. Safety requirements and test methods 繩索夾緊裝備 (上升器)

  EN795 Protection against falls from a height - Anchor Devices. Requirement & testing 固定點裝備。

  EN813 PPE for the prevention of falls from a height-Sit harnesses 坐式安全吊帶

  EN892 Mountaineering Equipment-Dynamic Mountaineering Rope 登山動力繩

  EN1891 PPE for the prevention of falls from a height-Low Strength Kernmantel ropes 低彈性繩(靜力繩)




  EN12275 Mountaineering Equipment-Connectors. Safety requirements and test methods 登山鉤環

  EN12277C Mountaineering Equipment-Climbing Sit Harnesses 攀登用坐式安全吊帶

  EN12277D Mountaineering Equipment-Chest Harnesses 胸位式吊帶

  EN12492 Mountaineering Equipment-Helmets. Safety requirements and test methods 頭盔

  EN12841 PPE for the prevention of falls from a height : Rope access work positioning systems – Rope Adjustment Devices 繩索調整裝備

上一篇:繩索技術和繩索救援技術的區別 下一篇:高空作業安全繩使用規范標準
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